perjantai 31. joulukuuta 2021

Ruskakauluri / Leafy cowl

Tämä kauluri on neulottu Nu Shearmanin Westonbirt Cowl -ilmaisohjeella Novita Puro langasta 6 mm puikoilla ja huovutettu neulomisen jälkeen pesukoneessa, jolloin se kutistui ja tiivistyi lämpimämmäksi.

This hippie dippie cowl is made with Westonbirt Cowl pattern that is by Nu Shearman and is currently available for free on Ravelry. I used wool yarn called Novita Puro and 6 mm needles and put the cowl in washing machine in hot wash after knitting, so that it felted in the wash. It is now more durable and warm as felted object.