keskiviikko 5. maaliskuuta 2025

Tuunattu trikootoppi / Patchwork singlet

Viime vuonna ompelin isäni vanhasta t-paidasta ja kierrätyskeskuksesta vitosella ostamastani kasasta t-paitoja mekon, ja siitä projektista jäi vielä ylijäämätilkkuja, joten surautin niistä tämän topin. Esikuvana oli Patchwork Singlet -ohje Birgitta Helmerssonin kirjasta Zero Waste Patterns. Kankaat ovat puuvillaneuloksia ja puuvillasekoitemateriaaleja, joten ne joustavat jonkin verran ja toppi sopii siis kevyeen treeniin.

I made last year a patchwork dress out of my dad's old t-shirt and some thrifted shirts gotten from a recycling center for a fiver. There were fabric scarps, so I decided to sew a top out of them. I was inspired by the picture of Patchwork Singlet by Birgitta Helmersson, though my patchwork squares were different size to hers. The original pattern has been published in Zero Waste Patterns book. My project wasn't quite zero waste, as some corner pieces had to be thrown away, but on the other hand there is still material left, and I would be able to sew a pair of shorts from the scraps of the scraps.


Trikoot on kirpparilta ja kengät uusina ostetut, mutta olen tuunannut niitä vaihtamalla kengännauhat.

Leggings are thrifted and shoes were bought as new, but I changed the shoe-laces to customise them.