Versioni Jennifer Bealen suunnittelemasta Joe Batt's Arm -neulepaidasta on neulottu puuvillasekoitelangoista.
Siniharmaa ja kaksi vaaleanpunertavaa sävyä ovat Fibra Naturan
Papyrus-lankaa ja vaaleanharmaa Dropsin Cotton Viscose -lankaa.
Puikkokoko 3.5 ja 4 mm. Paidan nimi tulee paikannimestä Kanadassa, josta
suunnittelija on kotoisin. Muokkasin omaa paitaani lyhemmäksi ja käytin
myös lapasmallista löytämääni kukkakuvioita sivupaneeleihin. This summer sweater is knitted in cotton-blend yarns. The blue and pinks are Papyrus yarn by Fibra Naturaa and the small amount of grey is Cotton Viscose by Drops. The pattern is called Joe Batt's Arm and the unsual name comes from a place name in Canada, where the designer Jennifer Beale is from. I modified it a bit and made mine shorter and used a flower colourwork pattern for the side panels. Those were steeked, and the pattern had lots of parts to sew together, like a knit puzzle. But the pattern was very thorough and contained loads of detailed charts and instructions. But it was definetly a more challenging make, especially as I'm not a cable specialist. |
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Housut valmisvaate, aluspaita äidin ompelema, aurikolasit käsityöläismarkkinoilta. The trousers are ready-to-wear, undershirt is mom-made and the sun glasses are from a craft fair. |