Linnaunelmien pöyhimiseen paras paikka Suomessa on Turun linna. Siellä on mukava käydä muutaman vuoden välein ja kuvitella itsensä vaikkapa entisaikojen asukkaaksi. Luultavasti aikamatkaillessa sitä päätyisi kuitenkin piiaksi. Tai Jaakko Ilkan sukuun kuuluvana lennähtäisi keskiajalle jonnekin käymälöiden tietämille...
Like many others, I occasionally dream of being a castle owner, or travelling back in time to be one. Though it is more likely to to end up scrubbing the floors of the castle than living in one... This is the castle of Turku in Finland, and one of my favourite castles. I do have a connection to this, as one of my forefathers was captured and sent here for imprisonment during a peasant uprising about 400 years ago. He escaped via latrines, but was later recaptured and killed. Cool ancestor, but due to the long and broad family line, thousands of other people are related to him as well. |